Our mission

Mission of Space Travelers depends on their specializations. Arcturians are distributed similary as we are to many sections as for example healer which is using his wisdom and informations from Akassian library and his past lifes in etheric, subtle or, if so chosen, physical bodies. Others are diplomats who contribute to peace, ascension and love across the entire universe, galaxies and all universes. Or mages if there is a need to transfer experience and knowledge, wisdom and magic for good. A certain kind of Arcturians have the privileged position of being guardians and already entrances and passages from one galaxy to another and or the highest secrets and it is about technology, DNA and working with it or medical things of the individual nations of the universe.

And what is their mission on our planet? Those of them who wanted and want to contribute to the earth in its energy rise decided to reincarnate here physically, i.e. to be born into a physical body with a specific mission that they had chosen in advance. They can very well and quickly materialize anything that it is necessary for the benefit of humanity and their task that they took here for the benefit of our planet. To support this mission, they have a specific team behind them consisting of a guardian and a guide whose qualities are needed for support and fulfillment mission. Aren't you one of them by any chance? they're called space seeds.

Our Vision

Our vision on our planet is the same as everywhere else in the universe, its to follow cosmic laws, to explain and spread these laws, such as cause and effect, across the entire universe and galaxies so that everyone understands and uses them correctly. With love, appreciation and gratitude, to contribute to all beings in the universe and pass on the knowledge and experience they need, and at the same time protect the technology and consciousness of the purest universe so that the most important information reaches only where it is meant to go. Furthermore, he acts as a wise advisor for the needs of the higher good and higher beings in space just like here on earth. Their energy is extremely strong if you ask for support, therefore their vision is to contribute to all who they ask with a good and pure intention.